Who We are

Edenscaping's duo of uncle and niece co-founders Jas and Supreet bring you the best of both worlds of landscape construction and design. Together, they work with their team to offer the best landscaping services to be a one stop solution for luxury landscaping services.

Jas has been in the field of construction and hardscaping for over 25 years and builds residential structures and does renovation projects under his firm 'Hemkunt Constructions'. He takes pride in his deep knowledge of materials, their compatibility and the durability of the overall structure.

Supreet has been a landscape designer for 5 years and brings her expertise from designing outdoor experience spaces in tropical locations in Asia. She works closely with clients from the design stage to the final product through to completion and maintenance. She specialises in using softwares that create life-like 3D designs to give her clients the best idea of the final product.

Her strength lies in marrying complimentary elements like wood, stone, concrete and the right plant textures to create extraordinary and luxuriant outdoor spaces that are a dream come true for any home owner.

As a team, Jas and Supreet work to offer a product that focuses on your individuality and needs, all in a convenient way and on-time.

So take a back seat and call us for a quote and a design consult!